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Prepare your feedback surveys

Survey Post Learning Path Completion:

The document is a survey designed to gather feedback from users of the SocialTalent platform regarding their learning experiences and needs. Here are the key elements included in the survey:

  1. Role Identification: Respondents are asked to select their role from options such as Recruiter, Senior Recruiter, Sourcer, Coordinator, Team Leader, or Other.

  2. Skills Learned: Participants are prompted to describe new skills acquired through SocialTalent that they didn't have before.

  3. Impact Measurement: Users rate the impact of SocialTalent on improving their hiring skills in 2023 on a scale from 1 to 10.

  4. Future Learning Priorities: Respondents rank their preferred areas of focus for future learning paths from a list including Sourcing, Candidate Experience, Strategic Stakeholder Relationships, Communication, Diversity and Inclusion, Skills-Based Hiring, Hiring Manager, AI in the Workplace, and Manage My Career.

  5. Content Preferences: Users indicate if there is additional content they would like to see on the platform.

  6. Application of Learning: Participants explain how they implement the knowledge gained from SocialTalent in their daily recruitment activities.

  7. Engagement and Relevance: Suggestions are solicited on how SocialTalent can be made more engaging and relevant.

  8. Recommendation: Users are asked if they would recommend SocialTalent to their colleagues.

  9. Additional Feedback: An open-ended section for any other comments or suggestions.

The survey aims to understand the users' learning needs, measure the effectiveness of the current content, and gather suggestions for future improvements, ensuring the platform continues to meet user expectations and enhances their professional development.

Example of questions in this Survey HERE => Post Learning Path Survey - Google Forms.pdf

Quarterly Review Survey:

The document is a survey designed to collect feedback from users of the SocialTalent platform regarding their learning experiences over the past quarter. The survey aims to gather insights on various aspects to help improve the platform and align it with users' needs. Here are the key sections and questions included in the survey:

  1. Role Identification:
    Respondents specify their role as User, Team Leader, or Company Admin.

  2. Content Quality:
    Rating the overall quality of the content.
    Assessing if the Learning Paths met expectations in terms of content relevance and depth.

  3. Engagement:
    Rating the engagement and interactivity of learning materials.
    Identifying strategies or initiatives that helped in better engagement.
    Providing advice to improve engagement within their organization.

  4. Future Learning Needs:
    Ranking preferred areas for the next learning path from a list including Sourcing, Candidate Experience, Strategic Stakeholder Relationships, Communication, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Skills-Based Hiring, Hiring Manager Training, AI in the Workplace, and Manage My Career.
    Suggesting any other content they would like to see on the platform.

  5. User Experience:
    Rating the user-friendliness of the platform.
    Providing detailed feedback on areas for improvement in user experience.

  6. Knowledge Retention:
    Assessing if they have gained new knowledge or skills from the course.
    Noting any changes in working practices since using the platform.

  7. Instructor Interaction:

    Providing feedback on the instructors.
    Specifying the level of interaction and feedback received from instructors.

  8. Future Trends:
    Predicting upcoming trends in hiring and recruitment that the platform should prepare content for.

  9. Overall Feedback:
    Indicating whether they would recommend SocialTalent to colleagues.
    Providing any additional comments or suggestions to improve the product.

    The survey is designed to ensure continuous improvement of the SocialTalent platform by understanding users' experiences and challenges, thereby enabling data-driven decisions to enhance the educational offerings.

 Example of questions in this Survey HERE => Quarterly Review Survey - Google Forms.pdf .

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