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Here is information and opportunities to connect with other users through our SocialTalent Linkedin Community, Our Youtube/Podcast Series, SocialTalent Live

Customer Stories

Our customers share their stories of how they’re using SocialTalent’s e-learning platform to train and develop their TA teams and people managers to hire, onboard, engage and retain great talent - and build inclusive workplaces where their teams can thrive.

The Shortlist

The Shortlist is a series of conversations between Johnny Campbell and influential members of the recruitment and TA industry. Each week, they will discuss the current news stories and their impact on the industry as a whole. Broadcast live on YouTube and LinkedIn, tune in for your chance to interact, and get answers to the big questions.

SocialTalent Live

This is an 1 day online event where influential members of the recruitment come together and speak about hot topics and future trends affecting the industry today.

Review the previous content and come join us next time!

Hiring Excellence with Johnny Campbell

Welcome to the ‘Hiring Excellence’ podcast, where each week, SocialTalent CEO and Co-Founder Johnny Campbell takes you on an insightful journey into the world of recruitment and talent acquisition. Join Johnny as he chats with industry thought-leaders, pioneering experts, and influential authors, exploring their unique insights and expertise. From groundbreaking strategies to the latest trends, ‘Hiring Excellence’ delivers actionable advice and innovative ideas to help you navigate and succeed in the ever-evolving landscape of work.

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