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Prepare your stakeholder register

There are a variety of users on the platform

To ensure a comprehensive eLearning experience for each learner, you should consider the following needs:


Needs to Consider:

When considering the needs of users, it's important to take into account their individualised learning styles and preferences, as well as the availability of technical support and troubleshooting resources. Customised learning paths and progress tracking, along with tailored engagement and motivation strategies for diverse learners, are also crucial. Additionally, collecting user feedback and suggestions for enhancement, addressing user training and support needs, managing user access and permissions for various system features, and evaluating user satisfaction and involvement with the system are all essential aspects to consider.

  • Individualised learning styles and preferences

  • Availability of technical support and troubleshooting resources

  • Customized learning paths and progress tracking

  • Tailored engagement and motivation strategies for diverse learners

  • Collection of user feedback and suggestions for enhancement

  • User training and support needs

  • User access and permissions for various system features

  • User satisfaction and involvement with the system

Team Leaders

Needs to Consider:

Team Leaders have a responsibility to promote a culture of learning and development among teams, leaders can set an example achieving their weekly learning goals and recommending content to other users. They also support company admins by running reports for each team or department reviewing users experience. This approach can effectively pinpoint areas that need improvement and monitor progress over time.

  • Correlate Feedback and concerns from team members

  • Run Reports Team performance and productivity to liaise with company admins

  • Training and development requirements for the team

  • Ensure have access and permissions for project management tools within the team

Company Admins

Needs to Consider

To ensure optimal system performance and security, company administrators play a crucial role in administering training through learning paths, building content, and monitoring progress through reports. They also provision users to sign onto the platform and hold regular cadences of feedback on the platform's internal performance internally and with their SocialTalent project management team.

  • System Performance and Integrations:

    • Ensuring optimal system performance(all users are added) and all tech integrations are in place

  • Training and Content Creation:

    • Assigning all users training through learning paths and building content to meet the diverse needs of the organisation.

  • Progress Monitoring:

    • Running reports to monitor the progress of the organization and pinpoint areas that need improvement.

  • User Provisioning:

    • Provisioning users to sign onto the platform and managing their access and permissions.

  • Feedback and Performance Reviews:

    • Holding regular cadences of feedback on how the platform is performing internally and addressing any concerns.

By aligning system capabilities with company goals and objectives, company admins ensure that the platform meets the evolving needs of the organisation.

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