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Pillar Pages

Evolving into a trusted talent advisor requires effort, involving partnership with hiring managers and sourcing top candidates. The Pillar Pages are extensive guides on the necessary tools to embark on this journey effectively. Organisations focusing on providing clear, inclusive, and memorable experiences will have better success in attracting talent according to the Pillar Pages.

What's The Difference Between a Recruiter and a Talent Advisor?

The evolution of the job market has led to a shift in talent acquisition practices, introducing the role of a 'Talent Advisor' alongside traditional Recruiters. Talent Advisors adopt a strategic and consultative approach, focusing on long-term talent needs and collaborating closely with business leaders. Unlike Recruiters, Talent Advisors are proactive in talent scouting and relationship-building, aiming to bridge the gap between recruitment operations and organizational talent objectives. SocialTalent offers training programs to help Recruiters transition into the role of Talent Advisors, emphasising strategic thinking, market understanding, and data-driven decision-making for driving business success.

Interviewing 101: Best Practice Interview Techniques

How we hire impacts who we hire. And one of the fundamental components of a successful hiring process is the interview – but how often do we upskill on this, both as recruiters and hiring managers? SocialTalent has the solution. We’ve pulled together a dedicated playbook to help you conduct effective, inclusive, and successful interviews.

How to Build the Perfect Candidate Experience

Ensuring that the candidate has a positive experience during the hiring process has become more vital than ever. With talent shortages and the increase in Gen Z applicants, it’s the organizations who focus on having a clear, inclusive, and memorable hiring experience who are going to find greater success in snagging the talent they need. Discover our top tips in this essential guide.

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