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How to Partner For Success

This is a call that the Account Manager on your project team will run. They will show how we at SocialTalent will Partner with you for Success.

During the Partner for Success call, your account manager will guide you through various important items. This call typically occurs when you are handed over to them from onboarding, during onboarding, or when a new account manager is added to your project team.

Discussion Topics

  1. Introduction to Your SocialTalent Team
    Your account manager will introduce you to the members of your dedicated SocialTalent team, ensuring you are familiar with the key individuals who will be supporting you.

  2. Your SocialTalent Package
    The account manager will provide a detailed overview of your SocialTalent package, including the specific features and services included.

  3. Strategic Value Alignment
    This discussion will focus on aligning the strategic goals of your organisation with the services and solutions offered by SocialTalent.

  4. Programme Governance
    The account manager will explain the governance structure of the programme, ensuring clarity on roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes.

  5. Driving Engagement
    Strategies for driving engagement with the SocialTalent platform and resources will be discussed, aiming to maximise user adoption and value.

  6. Onboarding Plan
    An overview of the onboarding plan will be provided, outlining the key milestones, timelines, and activities involved in the onboarding process.


The Partner for Success call serves as a crucial opportunity to establish a strong foundation for collaboration and success with SocialTalent. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the team, package, strategic alignment, governance, engagement, and onboarding plan, setting the stage for a productive partnership.

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